Web Design makes you Money!
Starting a business? Own one and do not have someone to help you affordably handle your internet marketing needs? Many times owning a properly built small business website helps you reduce spending in other forms of expensive media. A Website is your online store front and your cyber sales person! You do realize that upwards of 90% of shoppers look online? They do! Look it up. That's a lot of potential clients who are just randomly picking a business, instead of finding your business nicely displayed online. May be you do not realize how ridiculously affordable it really is. Having a website you built yourself thru many of these bridge to sale online companies. Their goal is to have you use their services to get the website you really should have after you get frustrated. Time is money!
Many of you know me in the community for putting people first. Their is no obligation if you call and we meet. I love networking and it is not about the sale. Give me a shout for poster / flyer design, web design, website, website maintenance and marketing and advertising on the community based website everyone loves...www.whatshappeningmedia.com
Tim Flanagan
(252) 396-1780